Twelve Months, Twelve Races
At the end of last year, I reflected back on 2017 and all the wonderful experiences the year had brought me. One of the things I was most proud of (aside from getting married, of course) was representing the Charlotte Marathon as an ambassador. The experience was so much fun and I met so many amazing people along the way.
The journey throughout the year really propelled me back into something I forgot I loved so much - races. I love running and it's always been a part of my life in some way, shape, or form pretty much since middle school. But there is just something so fun and energizing about competing in a race.
No matter how many times I've done it before, I still get the butterflies at the start line. The excitement and anticipation of the gun going off is palpable throughout the crowd. And there's no feeling that can compete with accomplishment you feel crossing the finish line.
As I reflected on the races I ran last year, I unknowingly ran eight races. I thought to myself, if I ran eight last year, why not run twelve this year. Running one race in every month sounded like an exciting way to keep the thrill going from last years races and push myself to do something I've never done in 2018.
So far this year, I ran my first trail race in January at the U.S. National Whitewater Center and I ran the Cupid's Cup 5K this month benefiting cardiac rehabilitation programs at Carolinas HealthCare. Next month, I'll be running the BB&T Corporate Cup 5K.
I'm not looking to be the best runner, but I can guarantee you that I'll try my best. My hopes for this twelve races in twelve months challenge is to have fun and really enjoy running and training throughout the year. It's about getting out there any moving and celebrating what my body can do. And if the end result leaves me a better runner, I definitely won't complain.
Are you training for any races this year? Have you done a similar challenge? I'd love to hear!